
a 501(c)(3)
National Housing Associates (NHA) is committed to our mission of developing and supporting sustainable communities, providing the means and opportunities to build strong, affordable housing neighborhoods in the Midwest.Since being founded in 1997, NHA has been collaborating with real estate developers and other organizations to complete innovative solutions by means of low-income strategies, such as tex credits and/or tax exempt options, under the IRS Section 42 program.We specialize in projects that serve a range of Low-Income Community* needs, from individuals, families, and seniors, to the formerly homeless and at-risk groups.

R. Wayne Koehler
A financial advisor by trade and owner of Par Advisors, LLC, Wayne consults with banks and other institutions regarding affordable housing and CRA. This profession found him inspired to create his own way of providing improved living for others less fortunate. So Wayne took to applying his altruistic nature, investing his spare time and emotional energy to bring together like-minded partner companies and investors, resulting in NHA's new direction towards property development in 2009.
It was a brave start, with assets at the time of only $3,000, no properties and, honestly, no idea where to begin, but also with copious amounts of belief to make this materialize. Wayne's initiative to make affordable housing a reality grew to such a success that as of 2020, NHA has over $3.2 million in Total Assets, plus a priceless number of grateful residents!
In just 10 short years, NHA has developed 145 stabilized housing units on 5 properties with one property dedicated solely to survivors of domestic violence.

W: 614.505.7108 C: 614.403.2242
our board
Tim Williams
Paul C. Brown
Diane Emmons
Defense Business Developer
W.W. Williams - Logistics
Director - Sales Training
VP, Consumer Distribution
Chase Bank
David Linn
May Insurance Services
Sharon Constans
Mary O'Doherty
John Kircher
Oncology Abstractor
Flatiron Health
Executive Director, Ohio
Domestic Violence Network
Retired - 27 yrs with
Ohio Capital Corp for Housing

our properties
and more

our outreach

NHA made a special trip to deliver much needed items during the pandemic.

NHA looks forward to providing our properties all the necessities for their holiday meals.

NHA has enjoyed providing Easter egg hunts for the kids on our playgrounds.

NHA can't imagine a life without books, so we have provided a small libraryat each location for all ages.

When Menemsha was newly built, we were happy to donate hostas to add some color to their new beds.

NHA partnered with YMCA to provide camp for all the kids at Hopewell Apartments last summer.

Our manager's hold great relationships with Kentucky's Fire and Rescue houses who provide engine tours and talk safety.

Come fall, NHA provides all the children with a basket for beggar's night.

Be it towels, sheets or throw blankets, NHA works closely with on-site management to support our tenants needs as they see fit.